Systro Solutions


We believe that awareness and understanding of organization design will enable CEOs to create sustainable enterprises that are more productive and profitable.

Meet The Founder

Dr Russ Barnes, Colonel USAF (ret)

Colonel (retired) Russ Barnes is the CEO and Senior Strategist to Entrepreneurs and Executives at Systro® Solutions, which specializes in strategy development and organization design for small business. His 30+ years of experience in Organization Development is drawn from military service, franchise ownership, research, and strategy work with hundreds of small businesses.

After retirement from the military, Russ pursued his entrepreneurial objectives full time. His success was based on a clear vision, building an effective network, consistently delivering a quality product and maintaining a relentless focus on customer service.

Dr Barnes received his Bachelor’s Degree from Manhattan College (NY), his MBA from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, his Master of Science degree in Strategic Studies from Air University and his PhD in Organization Development from Benedictine University.


Organization Development enables organizations to scale effectively. CEOs typically focus the organization on Product Development and Business Development…which is logical.

Systro® collaborates with CEOs to add a focus on Organization Development, specifically the design aspects of strategy and organization.

Organization design is the art and science of building an environment where employers and employees thrive. A key component is the development of systemic thinking which releases creativity for the purpose of generating higher levels of productivity and profitability at the organization level.


Systro® Solutions helps the business owner use strategy and organization to be intentional and purposeful in building a profitable company.

Our Purposefully Profitable™ Program focuses on Measures, Mission Mapping ™, Management of Manpower and Money. We work with the CEO in all areas of structure from defining desired outcomes to continuous improvement programs and including clarity of Vision, Mission, Core Values, Management Structure, Business Model, Operations Manual, Knowledge Management, Strategy, Quality Management, Alignment, Engagement

We assist with the development of an organizational strategy that results in sustainable growth through operational effectiveness.



100% Customer Satisfaction: We provide the customer/client with more than they requested, we go above and beyond normal standards of performance, and we consistently exceed expectations.

Proven results: Activities are documented from Day One so that progress can be measured, adjustments can be made and results can be verified.

Build deep relationships: Clients are treated as friends. We help them grow their businesses for the purpose of improving their lifestyle.

We communicate consistently, coordinate collectively and cultivate collaborative relationships in order to achieve desired outcomes

Our focus is on STRATEGY and ORGANIZATION!

Our goal is to provide organization design expertise for CEOs with such a high level of excellence that the term “Systro” becomes a verb. Systro is a learning organization in which everyone strives to be the best in the world at their area of expertise. It’s the passion of the pursuit that drives us and the caring for our clients that guides our efforts.